It starts with our belief that in some way, everything is connected to everything else. Many clinicians don’t have a goal outside of working on what hurts and that specific area only. And they don’t set you up for success outside of the clinic. At Performance Chiro, we start by looking at the global picture of how your body is ordered and balanced, how your body moves, and help you find movement strategies for at home or the gym to keep your movement profile pain-free. This helps us look strategically and systematically at identifying the root cause of any pain, dysfunction, or areas holding you back from performance improvements. From this point, we work with education, manual therapy and movement to create lasting change.
The answer is yes, we have seen hundreds of patients and have experience with many variations of dysfunctional muscular patterns and injuries. This is includes both adult and youth sports or work related pains.
Most definitely. While we start your initial assessment with a thorough Body Scan and muscle testing, we also find a lot of value in continually re-assessing throughout your treatment, getting you off the table to walk around, assessing postural changes, and ultimately seeking out the root cause of your dysfunction through constant testing and re-testing during every session.
An initial exam/treatment takes approximately 50-60 minutes. Follow-up treatments typically take 30-45 minutes. At Performance Chiro +, we are extremely thorough and detailed in our examinations and every session is 1-on-1 with Dr. Pablo. We also strive to educate our patients as much as possible about their ailment and possible solutions.
No. Chiropractors are experts of the neuromusculoskeletal of the body. We excel at identifying movement dysfunctions and imbalances that may be causing a current injury or can lead to future injury. In addition to injury rehabilitation, we provide performance therapy using a combination of hands-ons manual therapy techniques and corrective exercises / movement training designed to optimize your body and enhance performance.
The traditional insurance model does not allow us to treat the way we feel is best for you or spend the time with you that you deserve.
Over the years we have tried to keep pace with all the insurance companies’ changes, provider rules, payment rates and patient visits allowed, all of which are controlled by insurance companies. These mandated continuous changes are costly and force us to spend more time and resources on compliance with insurance rules rather than your patient care. Due to these continuous changes it was in the best interest to the patient to step away from insurance companies and focus on what Performance Chiro has always done best, which is to provide the highest quality health care to patients. This allows us to spend more quality 1-on-1 time with patients and providing you with the services we think are best.
While most clinics see you 3x a week with many other patients at the same time, we usually only see you 1-2x a week. You tend to need less visits, and in the long run may end up spending less with us than a traditional Chiropractic or PT practice when you consider your deductible, co-pay, and extra visits needed.
Our policy is that all patients will simply pay for their treatment at the time of service. However, you can call your insurance company and ask them “what are my out of network chiropractic benefits?” It’s usually a quick call to the number on the back of your card. If you have any out of network benefits, you can submit the information provided in your receipt for reimbursement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 618.370.0711 or Email us at:
Yes, we accept Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) cases at Performance Chiro in Edwardsville, Illinois.
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